Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dance to the Earth for the Transatlantic Competition Rock the Statue Green--Francais 3

Find more videos like this on Rock The Statue Green: A Transatlantic Art Contest


  1. C'est une très belle chorégraphie, bien que cela paraisse très exotique pour nous, français, et très loin de notre culture.
    En tout cas bravo à vous !

  2. malgré la beauté de votre représentation j 'ai quelque peu du mal a comprendre le sens de votre prestation et de vos gestes ... lots of love you are sexy and you know it !!!

  3. Hi,that was a nice choreography. Fortunatly there is the explanation beside the video otherwise I wouldn't have understood.
    Bye Bye
    Great Job :)
    From Charles

  4. Dancing is a good way to express yourself. I didn't understand all the messages that you had wanted to show through this choreography but the result is very convincing.
    I hope you'll make other dances because I really enjoyed it.
    Goodbye ! :)
