1.) Si on fait quelque chose sexualle aux toilettes ensuite on te punira par la guillotine.
2.) Il est interdite de manger dans la salle de classe. Ensuite si on le fait il faut manager la mort aux rats
ou on ne peut pas manager pour le reste de la journee.
Please leave comments tell me what you think!
Friday, May 11, 2012
de Frédéric
Interdictions et punitions à l'ecole:
Si tu es en retard, tu devras manger dix feuilles de papier.
Si tu portes des armes, tu recevras la guillotine.
Si tu fais l'harcelment sexuel, tu deviendras mort.
Si tu vends des médicament interdits (drogues), tu recevras un coup de nouille.
Si tu es en retard, tu devras manger dix feuilles de papier.
Si tu portes des armes, tu recevras la guillotine.
Si tu fais l'harcelment sexuel, tu deviendras mort.
Si tu vends des médicament interdits (drogues), tu recevras un coup de nouille.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The video from the whodunits writen by François Mottais and Charles Coudour
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Du lycée de Northwestern: Ce qui est interdit et des punitions
Quelques actions sont réeles, et quelques unes sont imaginaires. Vous pouvez deviner lesquelles?
Voilà ce que les étudiants de la classe de Français III ont dit. Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?
De Melody
-Si tu dis quelque chose de mauvais, On te decoupera la langue!
- Si tu fais le cochon, On t'envoyera a la ferme.
- Si tu pars de l'ecole avant la fin du jour, On t'exclurea du pays, et te renvoyera a Siberie.
Voilà ce que les étudiants de la classe de Français III ont dit. Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?
De Melody
-Si tu dis quelque chose de mauvais, On te decoupera la langue!
- Si tu fais le cochon, On t'envoyera a la ferme.
- Si tu pars de l'ecole avant la fin du jour, On t'exclurea du pays, et te renvoyera a Siberie.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Scripte de La Petite Fadette
La Petite fadette (d’apres le roman de George Sand)
Narratrice: A la Cosse, chez les Barbeau
Mere Barbeau: J’ai deux merveilleux jumeaux, qui s’appellent Landry et Sylvinet, qui travaillent tres dur. Un de mes garcons va chez le voisin pour travailler.
[Un peu plus tard]
Le Pere Barbeau: Mere, ca va si Landry nous quitte?
La Mere B.: Pere, je prefere si Sylvinet nous quitte et que Landry reste a la maison. Tu sais que Landry est mon favori.
Le Pere B.: Mais, Mere, Landry est plus fort que Sylvinet.
La Mere B.: Alors, je vais etre triste.
Narratrice: Dans l’etable des Barbeau, Landry prepare son voyage.
[Le Pere B., Landry, et Sylvinet, et un ane]
Landry: Je ne vais pas pleurer.
Sylvinet: Je vais pleurer pour toi.
Landry: Pere, j’ai une longue voyage.
Le Pere B.: Il faut partir tout de suite!
Landry: Donne-moi mon sac, Frere.
Sylvinet: Pour la derniere fois.
[Landry part.]
[Sylvinet et Le Pere B. disent:]
Au revoir. Salut! Tchiao!
Le Pere B.: Bon courage, mon fils!
Narratrice: Chez le voisin, le Pere Caillaud, a la Priche ou se trouve une jolie petite riviere.
Le Pere Caillaud: Bienvenue chez les Caillaud! Explorez un peu les champs de ble.
Landry: D’accords, a plus tard!
Narratrice: Landry quitte la maison pour aller dans les champs. Il va rencontrer une jeune fille tres sale et tres triste.
La Petite Fadette: Bonjour? Je m’appelle La Petite Fadette. Tu t’appelles comment?
Landry: Je m’appelle Landry, et je viens de la Cosse. Qu’est-ce qui ne marche pas pour toi?
La Petite Fadette: Alors, tu ne m’aimes pas non plus?
Narratrice: Un an plus tard.
Tout le monde: One year later!
Narratrice: Landry a dit a son frère Sylvinet qu’il y a une petite fille adorable, mais stupide, a rencontrer. La Grand-mere dit:
La Grand-mere de La Petite Fadette: Voila Sylvinet qui meurt de jalousie pour ma Petite Fadette.
Sylvinet: Ma vie est trop courte! (Il tombe sur terre. Il est mort.)
Landry: Adieu, mon Frere!
Narratrice: Tout le monde est triste pendant deux seconds. Ensuite, on fait la fete!
Tout le monde: Yeah!!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
La Petite Fadette__Francais II
La Petite fadette (d’apres le roman de George Sand)
Narratrice: A la Cosse, chez les Barbeau
Mere Barbeau: J’ai deux merveilleux jumeaux, qui s’appellent Landry et Sylvinet, qui travaillent tres dur. Un de mes garcons va chez le voisin pour travailler.
[Un peu plus tard]
Le Pere Barbeau: Mere, ca va si Landry nous quitte?
La Mere B.: Pere, je prefere si Sylvinet nous quitte et que Landry reste a la maison. Tu sais que Landry est mon favori.
Le Pere B.: Mais, Mere, Landry est plus fort que Sylvinet.
La Mere B.: Alors, je vais etre triste.
Narratrice: Dans l’etable des Barbeau, Landry prepare son voyage.
[Le Pere B., Landry, et Sylvinet, et un ane]
Landry: Je ne vais pas pleurer.
Sylvinet: Je vais pleurer pour toi.
Landry: Pere, j’ai une longue voyage.
Le Pere B.: Il faut partir tout de suite!
Landry: Donne-moi mon sac, Frere.
Sylvinet: Pour la derniere fois.
[Landry part.]
[Sylvinet et Le Pere B. disent:]
Au revoir. Salut! Tchiao!
Le Pere B.: Bon courage, mon fils!
Narratrice: Chez le voisin, le Pere Caillaud, a la Priche ou se trouve une jolie petite riviere.
Le Pere Caillaud: Bienvenue chez les Caillaud! Explorez un peu les champs de ble.
Landry: D’accords, a plus tard!
Narratrice: Landry quitte la maison pour aller dans les champs. Il va rencontrer une jeune fille tres sale et tres triste.
La Petite Fadette: Bonjour? Je m’appelle La Petite Fadette. Tu t’appelles comment?
Landry: Je m’appelle Landry, et je viens de la Cosse. Qu’est-ce qui ne marche pas pour toi?
La Petite Fadette: Alors, tu ne m’aimes pas non plus?
Narratrice: Un an plus tard.
Tout le monde: One year later!
Narratrice: Landry a dit a son frère Sylvinet qu’il y a une petite fille adorable, mais stupide, a rencontrer. La Grand-mere dit:
La Grand-mere de La Petite Fadette: Voila Sylvinet qui meurt de jalousie pour ma Petite Fadette.
Sylvinet: Ma vie est trop courte! (Il tombe sur terre. Il est mort.)
Landry: Adieu, mon Frere!
Narratrice: Tout le monde est triste pendant deux seconds. Ensuite, on fait la fete!
Tout le monde: Yeah!!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Lucha libre
Pepito and Alberto were walking down the street. They were two luchadores from Mexico who had come to Los Angeles to practice wrestling. Pepito was very small, agile and quick, contrary to Alberto, who was tall and built like a tank. Both were bald.
They were going to a used warehouse to take their illegal stuff. They actually were smugglers and dealt illegal Tequila from their native town, Barata, in Mexico. The truck wasn't coming. They began to stress:
- What the hell is our driver doing? said Alberto with his strong Mexican accent.
- No stress, he's going to come soon, Pepito reassured him.
- I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling...
- Everything will be fine, don't worry. We just have to take the last stuff out of the last truck, and everything will be over, we will stop our businness and start living, explained Pepito.
The thing was a complete flop. TheIr truck had been intercepted by the Rocks, the rival gang which detained the most important place in the trafficking in LA. The truck driver had been killed, and four Rocks members were now driving it. They came to the warehouse and destroyed the front gate by driving through it. Pepito and Alberto, waiting for the truck, were very surprised. Fortunatly, they were able to jump behind a container for protection.
Suddenly a smoke grenade blew up. Then everybody was running. Two gunshots sounded in the smoke and the sound of the engine of the truck went out. The police arrived thirteen minutes after. There was nothing in the warehouse. All the containers of Tequila had disappeared. They found a body behind a container. It was the corpse of a tall and muscular Mexican man with a mask on his head. There was a bullet hole in the mask just between the eyes. Blood was running on his face, another bullet had wounded him in his chest.
After checking his clothes, they found a wallet in his pocket. There was a Mexican ID card in it. His name was Alberto Vargas, and by the fact that he hadn't any American papers, they deduced that he was an immigrant. An assistant noticed the presence of bottles with the image of Mexican crosses stuck on them, it convinced them to conduct an investigation.
The police sent the bottle to an analysis laboratory and the body to a forensic scientist. The analysis concluded that the liquid in the bottle was Tequila. Alberto had been shot to death, they found the same Tequila in his stomach, as well as a decomposed sheet of paper . They thought that he had swallowed it just before his death because the paper hadn't been totally destroyed by gastric juices.
They discovered that Alberto was wanted by the Mexican police for illegal trade . The analysis of the paper was a success and they found what was written on it. They could read :
This phone number was the number of a certain Gary Hoper. The police searched his home with by the FBI's operation chief Jason Fischer. He kicked the door open, shouting:
" Here's the FBI ! You're under arrest! Go out of the house with your hands on your head. "
Hoper came out, he was handcuffed. When they took him to the police station and interrogated him, he said immediatly that he was paid to bring the Tequila from Barata, Mexico, to Los Angeles. After an hour of questioning, he finally said that Pepito Mendes had called him to change the plan. He had had to destroy the front gate and go out with Pepito after Pepito killed Alberto. He gave Pepito's phone number to the officer who had questioned him and was sent to jail for illegal trade and collusion in a murder.
Thanks to his phone number, the police had located Pepito on an Eastside road. After two hours of questioning, he said that he had killed his best friend for money, and burst into tears. He acknowledged all the facts againt him. He was sentenced to thirty years in prison for murder with malice aforethought, breach of trust and corruption.
By Hugo Corbineau and Jean Lemoine
The necklaces
Once upon a time, in England in a beautiful castle near London, lived the Robertson family who was a rich family. Around there, everybody knew them because they were like the perfect family, everything about them seemed incredibly perfect.
This week all of the family was in the castle and it was Christmas eve so uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters … had arrived a few days before. Duke Robertson, the patriarch, had decided to cook a very expensive and good meal because it was the only time of the year when every member of the family was present. The ladies were gorgeous with amazing dresses and beautiful necklaces. The men looked smart in their dinner suits like every Christmas eve. At 8.00 pm Mrs Miller rang the bell which was under the stairs and everybody went downstairs to the dining room to have supper. The Duke didn't like people to be late and the members of the family knew that, so they arrived just after the bell.
Everybody had gone down to the first floor. They had all forgotten Mrs Muller who had been a widow since the death of her husband 10 years before. She was late. Everybody was impatient. Her sister, Mrs Cole decided to go upstairs to see what she was doing. The bedroom door was closed. She called her sister but unfortunately nobody answered, so Mrs Cole kicked the door open.
Suddenly a big cry was heard! All of the family went upstairs to Mrs Muller's bedroom, they were in a state of shock, it was terrible. Most of the ladies were crying. The patriarch decided to close the door behind him and to wait for the detective before someone erased any evidence.
During the night, nobody could sleep because of the corpse in the house. It was very disturbing to the family.
The next morning, detective White arrived at the castle with his assistant Mr Millstone. They asked to see where the murder had happened.
Immediately, they noticed that she had been strangled with a pearl necklace. There wasn't any blood but she had been killed just because she couldn't breathe. The detective started to ask questions to figure out how she had been strangled. In the bathroom they found a jewelery box which was open. They asked her sister to come and check to see if any necklace was missing. In fact, one was missing: the most beautiful and precious one.
Later in the evening Inspector White invited all the family to join him in the living room to explain the situation. Sarah, the cleaning woman, was perturbed about something as she trembled and sniffed noisily. Mister Robertson, the victim's father, was infuriated by his wife who didn't look very affected by the situation. The patriarch sat on the red sofa, surrounded by his daughter, Mrs Cole and his cat.
The atmosphere was cold and tense. Nobody talked, there was only the sound of the crying.
The inspector questioned all the people of the castle. He started with Mr Robertson who declared that he was at the Bridge Club with his father. It was a tradition according to him and the patriarch confirmed this as he was at the Bridge Club also.
It was Mrs Cole's turn . She was strange and preoccupied. After 20 minutes, she decided to tell what she was doing at the time of the murder. It turned out she was with the gardener at his house. It was verified by Sarah who had seen them leaving the house at 5 p.m.
It was Mrs Cole's turn . She was strange and preoccupied. After 20 minutes, she decided to tell what she was doing at the time of the murder. It turned out she was with the gardener at his house. It was verified by Sarah who had seen them leaving the house at 5 p.m.
Only Sarah and Robertson's wife were in the house. During her questioning, Sarah perspired and was nervous. After several questions, she explained that she had seen Kelly, the father's wife, climb the stairs and quarrel with Mrs Muller about a necklace. The inspector made the connection between the lost necklace and so he asked Millstone to search Kelly's suitcase. They found nothing.
Although Mrs Robertson denied the claims, White carried on with his investigation.
At first, Mr White looked for the motive but nothing was important enough to commit a murder. Mrs Cole had a motive, she was jealous of her sister. Since her childhood, Alice Muller had looked prettier than Lily Cole. She was more appreciated than her. Alice was perfect. But the detective noticed Lily Cole loved her sister, so he thought it was impossible that Mrs Cole had killed her.
He had to dig somewhere else because he couldn't find the murderer without other clues. He decided to investigate on the murder place because a few weeks before, he had resolved a murder thanks to a clue which he had found under the victim's bed. It was a ring so he wanted to use the same method . He asked Mr Millestone to look for something which could belong to the murderer.
At the beginning, he looked for a clue under the bed, under the wardrobe but he couldn't find anything. He examined closely every single corner of the room. Then, he went to the bathroom … nothing !
A couple of hours later, Mr Millestone was tired and decided to give up the inquiry. Luckily, he stumbled because of the corner of carpet and he fell down near the fire place. There were no logs in it. He was desperate suddenly, he noticed something shining under the ashes. It caught his eyes, he blew over the ashes to discover what it was. He called his superior, Mr White and they deduced it was a button. The investigation was taking a new turn.
They went together to the living room and they asked everybody to take a seat. The atmosphere was very tense. The two investigators turned around each member of the family. They were trying to find whom the lost button belonged to.
Suddenly, Mr White discovered Mrs Robertson's dress was missing a button. He verified that it was the same button. Fortunately, it was … ! She was GUILTY ! Everybody was extremely shocked, nobody could imagine that she was the murderer.
Mr White went to another room with her because he wanted explanations. She started to tell him why she had done that. In fact, she had killed Alice Muller because she wanted Alice's mother's necklace. It was very expensive and since the first time she had met Mrs Muller, Mrs Robertson had been jealous of her...
Marie Lorre and Nina Sanchez
Once upon a time, in America, a beautiful and huge ship left for a long cruise from Boston to Plymouth in England. Lots of rich people really enjoyed the trip.
Liam Smith and his little sister Sarah were orphans. Unfortunately, they had been separated at the orphanage. Sarah had been adopted by a rich family of Boston and Liam, when he was 18, had left the orphanage to start working. He became a musician and was hired in the ship to play the piano. That’s how Liam and Sarah were on the same ship without knowing the presence of the other.
The only memory Liam had kept from Sarah was the jewel box he had offered her for her 6th birthday. He was just 8 and he didn’t know the name of the family who had adopted her. The boy had already tried to find her but the family had changed her first name. In fact, when Sarah had been adopted, her adoptive parents renamed her Sarah-Jane Montgomery because they wanted a more distinguished name.
All day long, while Liam was playing music, he was thinking about his life. How unhappy and poor he was. Seeing rich families on the ship made the young man desperate. He was looking for a way to end his poverty.
One day, Liam met Sarah-Jane and tried to captivate her. However, she turned him away because he didn’t belong to her social class. After this event, Liam was very upset: he hated all of these rich people. Then, he decided to get his revenge.
After thinking about that he decided to steal a suit of the ship's company and slipped into Sarah-Jane's cabin to take money, jewellery and other things he could find there.
It was early in the morning, all the families were having breakfast, it was the perfect moment for the young man. He opened the door of the cabin, everything was golden and shiny. The man stayed there a moment, without moving. Liam first saw a necklace, he thought it was made of real diamonds. He put it in his pocket and continued his search.
Unfortunately for him, Sarah-Jane left breakfast early to return to her cabin. She had something to do. When Liam heard that the door was opening, he snatched a candlestick up and slowly came close to the door. It was such a surprise for Sarah-Jane to see him there. He was just the man who played the piano. What was he doing in her cabin ? Liam hit her violently on her head. The young girl fell down. She was dead. Liam stayed transfixed, he was looking everywhere to find a place to hide her. He was in a tight corner, the boat was in the middle of the sea and the absence of the girl would be noticed quickly.
In his haste he made a box fall. Liam recognized it immediately. It was the jewel box of his sister. The boy started to understand. He looked at the face of the girl he had just killed. Actually she looked exactly like his sister. Her age was corresponding with the young girl's one. Liam had just killed his sister. At that time he felt so desperate.
When the corpse of Sarah-Jane was discovered, all the passengers panicked. Who could have killed a pretty and sweet girl of 16? There was a horrible murderer on board! The captain of the ship decided to return to Boston because there was some kind of panic.
When the boat arrived in Boston, it was placed in quarantine: nobody could enter or leave it. An investigation was started, conducted by inspector Adams. During the search on the boat, the police found a man, Liam Smith, hanged in his shower with jewels in his pocket. A suicide ?
Also, they found a jewel box in Liam’s room, it contained jewellery of great value. Sarah-Jane’s father, Daniel Montgomery assured that the box belonged to his daughter. Then, inspector Adams was sure that there was a link between the two deaths. The family of the first victim told him she had been adopted. He concluded that Liam was in the same orphanage at the same time.
The inspector kept on investigating. He thought there was a physical resemblance between them so he compared the DNA of Sarah-Jane and Liam. They belonged to the same family and with extensive research, he discovered that they were brother and sister. The inspector first thought Liam had hanged himself after killing his sister. But then other clues were found in Liam's and Sarah-Jane's cabin. A candlestick with Liam's fingerprints and a handkerchief with initials “D.M.”.
Then, inspector Adams found out the truth. Daniel Montgomery knew that Liam was Sarah-Jane's brother and that he had been hired on the boat. But he hadn't told her anything because he didn't want his daughter to meet him. Daniel had been the first one to discover the corpse and to find the jewel box next to her. The man had understood immediately that Liam had done that. The boy had stolen the jewels but asSarah-Jane had surprised him he had killed the young girl. It was only after that, he had understood that she was his sister.
Desperate, he had returned to his cabin, taken a sleeping pill and fallen asleep. During his sleep, Mr Montgomery had come in his cabin and strangled him. He had hidden it by making the murder look like a suicide,leaving the murder weapon and the box next to the corpse. But he had also left his handkerchief accidentally.
When inspector Adams accused Daniel Montgomery of the murder of Liam, he immediately confessed his crime and ended up in jail.
Fourrier Coline – Quitté Margot 2nd3
DEATH CONSPIRACY (by Milo Larder and Charline Boulaire)
« The green shoe belongs to D-E-A-T-H »...
Sean woke up, he was panicked. It was now the third night in a row that he had been dreaming of the clairvoyant he had seen three days earlier. A fair had been set-up for a few months in the south of the city. Lucas, his nephew had come to London to visit Sean for the Christmas holidays. The boy had insisted on seeing the fortune teller, because he thought it was « cooooool ». But the statement that had been revealed wasn't so « coool », death was in the air...
Sean Fields, lived in the center of the city of London. He was a rich divorced private detective. He loved his job and took it very seriously. At that moment, Mr Fields was on a case, Jane Gray had disappeared one and a half weeks ago. But what made Sean suspicious, was that nobody had found any clues or any sign of Jane being alive. Furthermore, the five letters « D-E-A-T-H » that the clairvoyant had pronounced kept going through his mind and appeared to be the terrible destiny of Jane.
I was in my car, looking at my watch, time was flying by, and I was stuck in a traffic jam. I didn't want to be late for my nephew. In the end I was relieved, I arrived just on time, he was just beginning to look for me. We put his suitcase in the boot and drove home. During the journey we drove by the fair and as soon as Lucas saw it he made me promise that I would take him the following day.
The next day, Lucas hadn't forgotten what I had told him the previous day and was waiting for me to get ready. Eventually we arrived, first we had an ice-cream and then we did all sorts of amusement rides. In spite of our long and tiring day, Lucas insisted on going to see the fortune teller. Naturally I accepted, I couldn't really refuse him anything...
We were standing in front of the clairvoyant’s van. But, just as I was considering leaving, I noticed Lucas had already run in. Now, it was too late, I had a bad feeling about all this... I stepped in and immediately sat on a chair next to Lucas, the clairvoyant was in front of us. She was wearing a headscarf wrapped round her long black hair and long golden earrings. She had big round black eyes that were looking intensely at me. She was freaking me out, she put her hands on a crystal ball, smiled and opened her mouth, pronouncing this mysterious sentence: « The green shoe belongs to D-E-A-T-H. ». And then, I stood there, waiting for something else, but she didn't give me any other information leaving me in complete confusion.
This was what Sean told his boss, who asked him to return immediately to the fair and find clues. Maybe all of this had a link with the last unsolved case. When you are a good detective, you take every little detail into account.
Once there, he wandered round towards the fortune teller's van. But... Something caught his attention... Out of the corner of his eye he could distinguish a green spot: he immediately looked at it and saw a green balloon... « Oh blow it! » he said. He kept trying to find, but to no avail... Yet, he remembered what somebody had told him some time ago: a talented detective should never shrink away from the first difficulty. And indeed this sentence had always stayed in his mind. So he persisted in his search, some time later, as we all know, his work paid off. A detail had caught his attention...
A green shoe, was lying under a carousel. The amusement ride started and the green shoe followed...
« STOOOPPP! STOP the carousel! » screamed Sean.
Everybody turned to him as he was running towards the ride. The carousel stopped and Sean grabbed the shoe but... it was stuck, something was stopping it from coming out ! So he bent over to have a closer look. « Oh my god ! ». What a surprise, a body was at the other end of the shoe and it was stuck under the carousel !
The police arrived and removed the corpse. It was, of course, Jane Gray that everybody had been looking for a while ago. But the question was: Who was the murderer ? Maybe it was a fairground worker. But after much investigation, Sean couldn't find any other information about the murderer. Unfortunately, he had to look for another kind of suspect...
1 year later in the newspaper...
January, the 5th
One year ago, the corpse of Jane Gray was found under an amusement ride. But nobody had been able to find the murderer...
At first, Sean Fields, a fantastic detective thought the murderer would have been one of the fairground people but he was wrong. After many months of investigation, he finally concluded that he had to carry on his investigation in another place than the fair. Yesterday, in the afternoon, he, at last, found the true murderer who admitted his guilt. It was an inhabitant of the rich London City. He maintained a hatred towards fairgrounds. He had an arm missing because of an amusement ride. In his childhood his arm got stuck in a ride. Nobody came and helped him and now he only has his right arm left. So he conspired to kill a young innocent girl and put her corpse under a carrousel to make the fairground people look guilty.
Another murder. But that time she was strangled …
It was the second this week, the victim was a rich lady named Mrs Smith. Her diamond necklace had disappeared. Her husband came to identify the corpse. Mr Smith asked them if they had some clues about the murderer :
“First, we know that it's his second murder, he only kills rich women. Furthermore, he smokes the cigar, because when we discovered the body, we found a stub on the carpet.
- Promise me you'll catch him, he said sadly
- Trust the police force, we'll find thay guy . A policeman will take you home. You'll be watched on by two or three policemen.
- Thanks for all, inspector …
- You can call me Bob.”
But, he wasn't very sure, he hadn't found any clue. Moreover, he had decided to retire this week-end. His boss came to tell him that he had to resolve it before leaving his job. He was very upset and tired, this investigation obsessed him, so, to relax, he had dinner with his best friend, Bill. They talked about their problems,the murders and Bill's job. Bill was working in a jewellery. But, he wasn't very rich, the custumers were not so numerous because of the location of the store. Then, they paid for the dinner and walked for a while. It was a dark night, the air was deadly cold. Bob was irritated by the smoke that he was inhaling. Bill talked about a rich lady who had came to his shop to buy him diamonds and gold. He was very excited because he had earned a lot of money. They parted at midnight.
The next day, they found another dead woman. It was Bill's customer. Suddenly, Bob was afraid. He was thinking Bill was the murderer. But, how could he be sure ? At first, he decided to talk to him before telling his boss Bill was the murderer.
Sunday night, he arranged a meeting with his best friend to talk to him personnally. He was very stressed and anxious, but he wanted to understand. As he was a jeweller, Bob knew that Bill hid a gun in his coat.
“ - Another murder occurred this morning, and the lady looked strangely like your customer …
- I'm sorry, I don't understand, what are you trying to tell me ?”
He didn't answer.
“ - I had never noticed that you looked a bit rich in spite of your poor business.
- I earn as much money as everyone I think ...”
All of a sudden, he saw his cigar. He was petrified. It was the same as the murderer must have been smoking. Bill immediately understood. He wanted to take his gun, and shoot, but on his guard, Bob reacted faster. He killed him first. It was twelve o'clock, and he had just resolved his last investigation.
By Romain Ouagazzal and Thomas Philippe
A teddy bear filled with surprises !
The alarm sounded, alerting the whole street. The thief gripped the diamonds in the jewellery and ran away. The way was dark outside and the only light on the road was not bright enough to see the end of the street.
Suddenly, a policeman sprang up far from him.
“ You ! Stop now ! I said STOP ! ”
But the man didn't stop. Thus, the constable started to run to catch him up. Nevertheless, he was fat and his forehead was covered with sweat. He was quickly out of breath. Then, two other police officers joined him.
Soon after, the thief laughed. “ What a funny team ! ” The pair was composed of a pretty woman and a thin man. With the fat one, it was very amusing.
Finally, the thief turned into a black little street and got away from the police.
Steven Becker was an unknown detective despite some inquiries he had done. Admittedly, he was not a good detective but he had helped many famous detectives in their investigations. He was handsome for his age, had brown hair and blue eyes. He was trying to have a moustache like Hercule Poirot to give himself the appearance of a real and famous detective.
This night, he received a call from the police to help them find a thief. Immediately, he ran to the police station and tried to find some clues. Nothing ! Then, he asked the police officer in charge of the investigation but he couldn't give more information. Steven went home, desperate.
The thief arrived in a long and deserted street. Luckily, the policemen had lost track of him. From then on, he stopped running and started walking quietly. Suddenly, he heard a child's voice :
“ Sir, you have lost this. ”
The man turned around and saw a little boy, perhaps four or five years old. He was holding a diamond in his little hand, looking at the man with innocent eyes. In his other hand, the boy had a small cuddly toy, a cute bear. Its neck was torn and the thief could see the cotton sticking out.
From a distance, he could hear the noise of the handcuff shaking at the belt of the big policeman and the voices of the policemen who were tracking him. They weren't that far. So, without thinking, he took the precious stone and grabbed the bear. He snatched the cotton out, put all the diamonds and the cotton again inside the poor teddy. The police were closer. The thief gave the bear back to the child and went away. Just in time, a woman went out of a house.
“ Junior, dinner !
- I'm coming mum ! ”
The thief turned his head and watched the young boy go home. 18 Barning Roads. The man promised to never forget this address.
Some days later, Steven Becker went back to the police station and decided to question the neighbours of the jewellery. Nobody had heard the alarm ringing or had seen the thief.
“ Strange ! ” thought Steven.
He decided to go back home to look for some information in some old newspapers. But, as usual, he didn't find anything.
One week later, at 18 Barning Roads, midnight. Here he was. Seven days earlier, he had walked down this street with a bag full of diamonds. Today, he was coming back to get the precious stones.
So he broke the back door and entered the house. Inside, it was quite silent. The man walked along a dark corridor, then another one. When he began to lose patience, he saw a light in a room on his left. Maybe the child's bedroom. Then, he entered the room and saw a woman, she was sitting on a bed. He wanted to go back but he couldn't, the woman was facing him. He pointed his gun at her, she looked at him.
Her blond hair was dishevelled and her blue eyes watched him intensely. Strangely, she didn't look afraid.
At once, the ringing of the door sounded. The thief pulled the trigger and the woman fell over. He ran away.
Steven Becker had decided to continue questionning the inhabitants about the burglary. Thereupon, he arrived at Barning Roads. After some boring discussions with the neighbours, he rang at number 18. There was nobody. Immediately, he heard a gunshot. He passed by the back door and saw it was broken. He ran inside and looked for the origin of the shot. He found it. A woman was lying on a bed, covered with blood. Dead, of course ! He called the police. They arrived.
Next, he looked for the murderer in the house. Too late, it was deserted.
The killer was home. But without the bear. He would return to 18 Barning Roads, but not now.
Steven Becker had gone back to his office. He prepared a cup of very hot coffee. He shouted. Why hadn't he found anything ?
Two days later, the thief was again behind the damned house. The night made the atmosphere scarier. The corpse wasn't in the bedroom. The police had removed it.
After a boring night to look for the cuddly toy, he finally found it, in a chest. Inpatiently, he snatched the head of the poor bear and took out the cotton, again and again. But, he couldn't find the diamonds. The bear had been emptied.
Mélanie GORNET & Muriel HAVAS
A psychologist
It’s dark. I’m lost. Where am I? My shoes are wet; I would like to take them off.
Light, too much light. Why don’t they switch off this disturbing light? I enter. The deafening noise of several machines doesn’t let me think clearly. I blink.
A figure just in front of me. I’m scared, I have to kill him! He will certainly put me in the machine. When his head hits the wall, it doesn’t make a sound.
I take it again and smash it as hard as I can. A beautiful red heart appears on the wall. Red is an amazing color. The knife is shining in my left hand, and I start cutting his hair. I hate hair, I’m bald. I put it in a machine and start it. The sound becomes louder.
His head is easy to cut, like a Christmas turkey. I take the two hands and decide to wash the corpse, it is so dirty now! Poor boy, he certainly doesn’t have a shower at home.
The body without a head is turning into the machine as I am thinking.
Oh god, it’s late! “I have to leave you my dear. “ I take the bloody head under my arm and start walking away from the intense light.
A common place factory in China, at 6 o’clock a.m. The employees were starting to work, silently and diligently. In the entrance, the secretary was reading letters when a strange pack caught her eyes. The address wasn’t written in Chinese characters but in English. She started to unpack it when a horrible smell passed through the air. Not really sure of what she was doing, she finished opening it then she saw the most terrifying thing she had ever seen. In the entire factory, everyone heard her scream.
In this strange pack she found the head of a man, eaten by insects. He had been beheaded and his hair had been cut in a really strange way.
The phone rang in all the rooms of the house. Miss Perkins had suddenly a bad feeling but she had already lifted the receiver…
-Hi, are you Miss Perkins?
-Yes, I am.
-I’m really sorry I have some bad news… Your brother is dead.
The body of Mr. Perkins had been found at midnight in a little launderette in Camelia Street. She took her bag and her coat and began to run. The street wasn’t very far from her house, but she called a taxi to get there faster.
The police were taking the body off from a washing machine. He didn’t have his head on his shoulders and some hair was being washed in another machine. She was on the verge of tears and took her head between her hands. She was petrified thinking of the horrible way her brother had been murdered.
She came back home, miserable, and swore she would find the psychopath.
It was just 9 a.m. when Mr. Shadow woke up, with a terrible headache. It had been a very long and painful night.
He got up slowly, and decided to have something to eat when the sound of many voices caught his attention. He glanced at the street, usually pretty quiet, and saw a crowd in front of the launderette which was just next to his flat.
He put a jacket on, quickly left his building and tried to get closer, but there were too many people. Suddenly, he heard some disgusted shouts. The crowd moved back, and he could finally see the inside of the launderette.
Four policemen were trying to take a corpse off from one of the machines. But the corpse had no head.
Mr. Shadow closed his eyes during a few seconds. Who was able to cut somebody like that? That was completely horrible. He should be very careful, because now he knew that a dangerous psychopath was walking in his district.
Miss Perkins came into the police station to answer some questions about her brother. After doing so, she discreetly climbed down to the basement in order to take the “John Perkins” file and read it. The murderer didn’t have a record so he wasn’t known as a dangerous person. It was written he had cut her brother’s head with a kitchen knife and he hadn't left finger prints nor blood. In fact nothing was known about his identity. She began to cry, silently, but something caught her eyes: a very interesting article in a newspaper. “a Chinese factory received a head in an English pack…” She read the article in full and deduced that it was John’s head. She came out of the police station and walked alone in the dark…
Now I am feeling so bad, no one can help me, I don't remember what I'm doing here. I just want to be free, without this feeling of fear. Light, always this light, why did noone break this light … There is something written on the wall, but now I just see the machines of hell! Not now! They won't catch me! That's impossible.
The man is looking at me! He's going to hurt me! I saw it in his eyes.
I take my keys in my pocket: I will defend myself! His eyes seem bigger when I put them in his neck. Now I know what I have to do, but he was a big man: he can't enter the machine. No matter, I'll try to cut it in small pieces! That's right … Now he won't hurt anybody anymore. I'm a good man, I've saved the world.
Noise, too much noise here. I put the head in a bag and walk away from here.
In the street I see a woman. She will be safe now. I smile to her, I'm a good man.
Now I'm tired! I want my bed! But I'm so dirty! Mum won't be happy to see me with all this blood on my hand! I hate showers but I have no choice. I'm on the sofa and I close my eyes.
“The lamentations of the living are a song for death.”
Those were the thoughts of Miss Perkins. Her brother had been killed two days before, but she couldn’t manage to forget, or to forgive. The pain was too hard, and the anger too strong. Furthermore, this murder was a foolish act, without any aim, and the responsible madman had to be punished.
On this evening she was at home. The pity of her friends didn’t interest her. She preferred to be alone with her pain.
She was taking a pan full of hot water, when suddenly she felt scared. A shiver crossed her body, and a strange premonition entered her mind: it will be this evening.
Trembling, she put down the pan, and closed her eyes. The feeling had disappeared, but she felt sick at heart.
She hesitated. The premonition had been so real … Maybe she should do something, but the fear was already here, like a killer hidden in every corner of her house.
After a few minutes, she decided to have a look at the launderette where her brother had died. She took her keys, put on her jacket, and went out in the cold wind.
The small launderette wasn’t far. After about ten minutes, she saw the light of the small shop, shining in the dark night. She was staring at it, when a man patted her on her shoulder. He was wearing black clothes, carrying a big bag and seemed worried, nuts. But when he touched her, a spasm of terror crossed her. She speeded up and started running. This street was too quiet, too frightening to be normal.
When she entered the launderette, nobody was there. Nobody except a corpse.
She opened her eyes wide, but managed not to shout.
A body was lying on the floor, surrounded by a large pool of blood. And the head wasn’t here.
Suddenly, she thought about the strange man who had touched her. Another time, she felt scared …
« It’s him » she thought. She turned round, and hastily left the launderette.
She returned where the man had patted on her, and on the ground she found a card:
2 Camelia Street
Mr. Shadow woke up on his sofa, a horrible sensation persisted in his head like a big headache or as if he had drunk too much the day before. Somebody rang and he went to open the door. The postman gave him a big pack. He shook it and he heard an empty sound. Surprised, he took scissors and unpacked it slowly, when he noticed a disgusting smell. A boy's head was losing blood in the box. For a moment, he couldn't say anything. The eyes of the victim were staring at him and his mouth was open and red. His neck had been cut in a very strange way, very bloody.
He remembered it all, everything, he had gone to the launderette, he had cut the head of the man, he had put the corpse in the washing machine after doing a haircut, the blood on his hands, the body lying on the floor... The horror of his act...
Mr. Shadow was looking for nothing, the mouth open, maybe really shocked. Then, after minutes he started crying it was strange to see a man crying like that but he couldn’t help it. After, as if he had heard a signal he started laughing: now he knew the last thing he had to do.
He stood up, left the living room. He forgot to switch off the light, but he didn't care. Like a robot he opened the door and went out of his house. He didn't take any coat or shoes. He walked in the rain for minutes, hours, days? He didn't care. He didn't know anymore, as if he was already dead.
He took the direction of the North, he knew there was a cliff at the end of the road but he didn't stop, a supernatural force obliged him to continue. He knew there wasn't any other solution, he was a monster and he preferred dying to living with that on his conscience.
He didn't feel anything when he fell down, just the feeling he had done something great.
Miss Perkins walked to 2 Camelia streets and entered the building. She angrily climbed up the stairs to the third floor with anger and began to look for information. There was an office on her right, so she entered. On the desk, there was just one paper, an old newspaper:
A little boy put in a washing machine by his parents was found in the morning. [...] He was not hurt just shocked. The parents were arrested and the little boy will be sent to a boarding school, normally he won't see his parents again...
by Colombine Feuvray, Eleonore Hereau and Margaux Kretz
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