- Sarah, the English assistant
Origins :
This activity was created during the nineties in Paris suburbs. A group of friends called the « Yamakasi » invented this sport, inspired by the book « méthode naturelle d’éducation physique » (natural method of physical education) written by George Hebert. The most well-known creators of Parkour are David Belle and Sebastien Foucan.
What does it consist of?
It consists of going from point A to point B as efficiently and as fast as possible. To do so, you have to go through the obstacles (by jumping and doing some acrobatics), not around them.
Different ways to practice :
Some people prefer to be very efficient whereas others like to perform acrobatics and beautiful tricks. This second way to practice Parkour is called Freerun. In theory, Freerun and Parkour are the same sport (this is what the creators said), but in practice there is a real difference between them.
Some moves :
The names of the moves are in French, because English names are not translated word for word, so it’s complicated to translate… (and anyway it is a french sport so…!)
Saut de chat : It consists in jumping on an obstacle, but you give yourself a boost with your arms by pushing the obstacle with them.
Passe muraille : It consists of going on the top of a high wall by taking a step on it after having jumped. Like that, you can go very high !
Wall flip: (it’s called like that in french) It’s not a real Parkour’s movement, it’s more freerun. Like the « passe muraille », you take a step on a wall, but then you just do a backflip !
A video will come soon !
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